
[vcex_spacing size=”10px”][vcex_heading text=”Welcome to the Traffic Insider Tutorial Center! Here you can find links to important tutorials and other resources.” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold” text_align=”center”][vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_icon_box heading=”NOTE:” icon=”fa fa-exclamation-triangle” css=”.vc_custom_1566862616686{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: #ffdc73 !important;border-radius: 20px !important;}” heading_color=”#000000″ heading_size=”24px” font_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”56px” icon_background=”#000000″ icon_color=”#ffdc73″ icon_border_radius=”50%” container_left_padding=”110px”]For support with one of our products or services, please visit TrafficInsider.net/help/. Our Forums are meant for community-related questions and discussion.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_spacing size=”40px”]
[vcex_heading text=”What Can We Help You With?” tag=”h3″ font_weight=”bold” text_align=”center”][vcex_spacing size=”40px”]
[vcex_heading text=”Don’t See What You’re Looking For?” tag=”h3″ font_weight=”bold” text_align=”center”][vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_button url=”https://trafficinsider.net/help/index.php?a=add” target=”blank” border_radius=”15px” align=”center” font_size=”22px”]Start a New Ticket [/vcex_button][vcex_spacing size=”20px”][vcex_heading text=”-or-” tag=”h3″ font_weight=”300″ text_align=”center” font_size=”26px”][vcex_spacing size=”20px”][vcex_button url=”https://trafficinsider.net/help/ticket.php” target=”blank” border_radius=”15px” align=”center” font_size=”22px”]View an Existing Ticket [/vcex_button][vcex_spacing size=”40px”]
[vcex_heading text=”My TrafficInsider.net Account” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”10px”]

Want to learn how to edit your profile or get the most of you TrafficInsider.net account? Here are resources you may find useful:

Creating an Account

Choosing a Username

Changing Account Settings

How to Make Changes To My Profile

Referral Links

How Do Referral Links Work?

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[vcex_heading text=”Using The TrafficInsider.net Community” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”10px”]

Curious about our community features such as the Timeline (Community Activity), Groups, the Forums, etc.? Want to learn about our Guidelines and Rules? Here are some resources you may find useful:

IMPORTANT: Community Rules & Guidelines

Forum Rules
Welcome to Traffic Insider!
Read This BEFORE Picking a Username

Using The Activity Feature

Using The Members Directory

Using The Forums

Using Community Groups

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[vcex_heading text=”Using Our Traffic Exchanges” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”20px”]

Want to learn the basics? Have a question about a functionality or feature? Here are resources for our Traffic Exchanges! For a full listing of our Traffic Exchanges, click here.

The Essentials

How Do I Make a Purchase on a Traffic Exchange?

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[vcex_heading text=”Using Our Viral Mailers” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”20px”]

Want to learn the basics? Have a question about a functionality or feature? Here are resources for our Viral Mailers. Any resources here will work on RealTimeAdz as well as any of our other mailers.

The Essentials

How Do I Make a Purchase on a Viral Mailer?

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[vcex_heading text=”Joint Venturing With Traffic Insider” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”10px”]

We’re always looking for awesome entrepreneurs and program owners to JV with! We’re also ready to help you with your program/traffic exchange/website. Here are some resources on how to JV with us:

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[vcex_heading text=”How To Make A Purchase Using CoinPayments” tag=”h1″ font_weight=”bold”][vcex_spacing size=”10px”]

Curious about cryptocurrency? Want to learn how to use it to pay for Traffic Insider products and services? It’s not as scary or complicated as it seems! Watch the video below to learn more:

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